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I am a student of philosophy. I completed my M.A. Phil in 2020 for which I attempted a phenomenological study of an empty monument in India. Continental philosophy, Existentialism & Phenomenology served as a springboard for me to put forth my thesis. I specifically studied the works of Husserl, Heidegger & Merleau-Ponty.
I was drawn to study the buddhist concepts of Sunyata & deependent origination post my thesis. I have been studying the works of Chogyam Trungpa, & I have enjoyed the writings of Pema Chodron prior to discovering Trungpa. I visited Bhutan last summer, & was deeply influenced by the lived philosophy of the nation, especially their wrathful & seductive take on the nature of reality.
I am eager to incorporate Buddhist Psychology to my further studies and understanding of form (natural and manmade) and its function. I am presently working on an interdisciplinary design project that entails the study of monuments as it inspires a zen buddhist apparel collection. I am also working on a podcast with a fellow philosopher friend in which we are looking to address the impact of the phenomenal world on our lived-experience.